Roasted Root Soup

Soups are the perfect way to keep warm as we head into autumn. They are also a great way to add nutrients into your diet, as well as being quick and easy to make.
Carrots aid digestion and butternut squash is high in magnesium and antioxidants known to improve cardiovascular health. Make sure you keep the skin on the squash to get all of the nutrients – but be sure to give it a very good wash!


3 carrots
1 butternut squash
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 red chilli
1 tea spoon coriander seeds
½ tea spoon cumin seeds


Wash all of the vegetables, chop up the butternut squash and put it on a roasting tray with some coconut oil, rosemary, salt and pepper. Pop in oven until soft.
Next, in a big saucepan fry off the spices in some coconut oil then add sliced onion to soften.
Chop the carrots and add them to the saucepan, cover with vegetable stock and simmer.
When the carrots are soft and the squash is cooked, add it all together to a blender (being very careful the lid is on properly!) and blend until smooth.
Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds before serving.

Recipe from Lily @